Marie’s LFO


An LFO / quad envelope generator with a completely customizable waveform, based on Bézier curves.


During a discussion with Marie Ann Hedonia, we got to talking about what would be the ultimate feature in an LFO module.

The killer feature that came out is the ability to draw a completely custom waveform, instead of tweaking around with sines, squares and triangles. Daphne Oram had this idea years ago, and we thought it was time to implement this great concept in an LFO in Eurorack format.

Marie’s LFO is a module where you can draw your own waveform by using Bézier curves (think about Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape’s paths)

You have the ability to select points and control points, and move them around to exactly define the output voltage evolution over time. Needless to say, the curve shape can be adjusted in real time 🙂


The module has three synchronization modes.

  • No synchro : it runs freely and you can modulate its frequency with a knob or CV input
  • MIDI : it detects the MIDI clock frequency, and you can divide or multiply the tempo by power of two (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x…)
  • TRIG : it detects the input trigger’s frequency and you can also apply clock division on it.


Marie’s LFO offers 4 offset-able outputs. Each output runs on the same curve, but you can adjust their offsets.

The audio mode allows you to generate signal based on your curves, but in audio frequencies. Controlled by MIDI input (and sooner or later 1v/octave).

Noise generation

Because purity is no fun, Marie’s LFO also contains a configurable (in amplitude and density) OpenSimplex noise generator that can be applied to your curve in real time. The noise generator is controllable with CV inputs as well.

Saving your work

The module allows you to save your work (curve path) and configuration(frequency, sync mode, outputs offsets) in 32 memory slots, so you won’t have to restart from scratch every time !

Demo video

Want more info ? want to purchase one ? drop me a message on Instagram @likaoninstruments !


  • Completely customizable waveform (Bézier curves)
  • 4 independent LFO/envelope outputs
  • 1 audio output
  • Optional synchronization: MIDI or trigger
  • Real time modification of the output signal
  • OpenSimplex noise generator
  • CV inputs (0-10v) : FM, noise amplitude, noise density, sync trigger
  • CV outputs (0-10v): 4 LFO, 1 audio
  • 13 HP

User manual

Likaon Instruments – Marie’s LFO user manual

Likaon Instruments – Marie’s LFO MK2 user manual

Firmware updates

There you go